It was great working with my little brother this weekend - I never realized how patient and hard working he is! He is also very good at complicated tasks! Maybe that's why he's so smart? No, no who am I kidding - he is smart because of me.
I am still waiting for some of my other art to arrive in the mail so stay tuned!
I got the idea to do these decals from a Belgian company called "ApplePie Design". They've got a lot of beautiful decals to choose from and some really unique ideas. I was ready to purchase from them but was lucky enough to come across a local company doing something very similar. They are called "Wall Juice" and are located here in Ottawa. They've got a great catalogue and are more than happy to put together custom designs. I am very happy with my purchase!
This is the bedroom:
And this is the living room - the quote is from my favourite book The Alchemist and reads: "It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting - Paulo Coelho"